Why focus on Wellbeing?
The university and college experience is full of ups and downs. Students face new challenges such as homesickness, time management, partying, budgeting and making new friends. Alongside moments of pure joy, there will be times of bitter disappointment. It should and will feel difficult at times. Being challenged and moving outside our comfort zone are both necessary if we are to grow into our potential. Alongside success, students may experience failure, disappointment, disengagement and even disillusionment with the choices they have made. This is all part of the journey.
While we cannot directly cause individual students to be happy in their college experience, through the application of positive psychology, we strive to create the right conditions for students to enhance their own wellbeing and as a result, more fully reach their potential. Focusing on personal strengths, positive emotions and factors related to success and thriving helps students to establish positive habits and lay the foundations for strong relationships and good decision making that will serve them in their future.